2024.10.29.Rá járt a rúd a rendszerre, most az optikai vezetéket rágta szét valami egérszerűség. A csere megtörtént, újra folyamatos az üzem.
Measured today
Measurement | Last measured value | Minimum Time |
Maximum Time |
Fluctuation | Average |
Temperature | 4.91°C | 4.61°C 01:11:45 |
5.38°C 00:52:45 |
0.77°C | 4.92°C |
Air pressure | 1018.74 hPa | 1017.47 hPa 22:59:45 |
1018.88 hPa 01:00:45 |
1.41 hPa | 1018.11 hPa |
Humidity | 98.99% | 98.99% 23:00:45 |
98.99% 22:59:45 |
0% | 98.99% |
Light | 0 lux | 0 lux 23:00:45 |
0 lux 22:59:45 |
0 lux | 0 lux |
Heat-index | 4.04°C | - - |
- - |
- | - |
Dew point | 0°C | - - |
- - |
- | - |
The last measurements are updated every minute, the minimum and maximum values and their recording times are updated every 5 minutes.
Today's chart